Superintendent 认证


Gain your school Superintendent 认证 和 prepare to lead

Preparing to become a superintendent in a school district? 的 Superintendent 认证 at 西雅图 Pacific can elevate your qualifications to lead, grow, effectively focus on the core work of education. Based on National Education Leadership Preparation (NELP) st和ards, 该课程强调在P-12学校环境中进行地区级行政任务所需的知识和技能, including superintendent, 副院长室, associate 和 assistant superintendent, 导演, 类似的角色.

Earn the Superintendent 认证 alone or with the EdD degree. 


的 教育学院 difference

西雅图 Pacific was founded more than 125 years ago, 90多年来,该大学一直在为该地区培养一些最受欢迎的教育工作者. Today, entrance to 教育学院 graduate 项目 is highly competitive. 教师们——每个人都教授他或她自己的课程,每个人都拥有博士学位——都在努力开发严格的质量项目.

的 教育学院 at 西雅图 Pacific University offers more than a dozen graduate 项目. You can choose from three doctoral 项目, seven master’s degree 项目, five certification 项目, all of which focus on developing competence, 字符, 领导, service in educators. While many students train to become teachers, others prepare for roles as school counselors, 校长, 负责人, district office personnel, or professors in higher education. SPU's reputation in P–12 education in Washington 和 across the country is strong, 完成研究生学位和证书课程的学生就业率高于全州平均水平.

Why 西雅图 Pacific for your Superintendent 认证?

Based on National Education Leadership Preparation (NELP) st和ards, SPU的督学认证课程强调你在P-12学校环境中执行区级行政任务所需的知识和技能, 如 superintendent, 副院长室, associate 和 assistant superintendent, 导演, 类似的角色. 的 Superintendent 认证 program leads to a Washington administrator's certificate, 而经验丰富的专业人士——利用他们跨越各种教育水平和职位的累积经验——可以帮你实现目标. 除了, 兼职的高级管理人员补充了常规教师,并为该计划提供了当代相关性.

通过在申请时选择行政领导专业化选项,在这个独立项目中或与教育博士(EdD)学位中获得监督认证, 你可以在短短三年内获得教育博士学位和学监证书,而不是通常的四到五年.

  1. 完成教师

    Expert, caring faculty have a desire to help students succeed. Faculty are known for mentoring their students during 和 following their educational 项目. 的se professors model lifelong learning through scholarly activities of their own, publishing frequently, presenting at professional conferences.

  2. AACU会员

    好的赌博软件推荐是美国高校协会和美国教师教育学院协会的成员. SPU certification 项目 are approved by the Washington state Professional Educator St和ards Board. 教育学院也是独立文理学院教师教育协会的成员, 有一章, 等于, Chi Sigma Iota, an international honor society that values academic 和 professional excellence in counseling.

  3. Deep 字符 emphasis

    Built on an 字符 education foundation, SPU的研究生课程通过基督教信仰和价值观的视角提供一流的教育. Students take ethics courses, 字符 issues are integrated throughout the curriculum.

  4. 灵活的格式

    Designed for working professionals, 课程和现场经验的监督认证计划是基于一个方便, two-year cohort model that allows you to attend class while continuing your work responsibilities.

  5. 联系校友

    教育学院的毕业生将在全国各地的学校和区级领导中从事有意义的职业. When you obtain a graduate degree from SPU’s 教育学院, you join a community of alumni who stay connected.


EdD + Superintendent 认证—Executive Leadership Specialization

你可以在短短三年内获得SPU的教育博士和管理者认证,而不是通常的四到五年. This option combines best 领导 practices with effective use of educational policy 和 research.

而督学认证课程和学校行政领导课程都是为了培养教育领导者, only the Superintendent 认证 program leads to a Washington administrator's certificate. Those students who hold a prerequisite teacher, 欧洲航天局, CTE或主要证书应参加监督认证计划,有资格获得华盛顿初始监督证书. 没有教师证书的学生应该参加学校行政领导课程. 申请人必须有至少两年的建筑或地区一级的行政经验之前接受进入该计划.



Associate Professor of Educational Leadership

电话: 206-281-2216
办公室: Peterson Hall 410
First Generation student

"When you come out of SPU, you know who you are as a leader. You have had to wrestle not only with the technical subjects of running a district, but the moral 和 ethical issues as well. 你面临的挑战是把自我放在架子上,以一颗仆人的心来领导,并时刻注意自己的领导遗产."
桑迪于2014年完成了总监认证,此后一直在西澳州担任助理总监职位. Currently, she serves as interim superintendent in Port Townsend.



而督学认证课程和学校行政领导课程都是为了培养教育领导者, only the Superintendent 认证 program leads to a Washington administrator's certificate. Those students who hold a prerequisite teacher, 欧洲航天局, CTE或主要证书应参加监督认证计划,有资格获得华盛顿初始监督证书. 没有教师证书的学生应该参加学校行政领导课程. 申请人必须有至少两年的建筑或地区一级的行政经验之前接受进入该计划.

项目时间表 & 群组信息

管理者证书项目包括课程作业和两年队列模式的实习. 课程每学期(每月一次)在周五下午/晚上和周六上午举行三次.



该计划的核心课程包括六个综合和基于标准的课程,将您以前的经验与知识联系起来, 技能, abilities necessary for senior-level 领导 positions.

  • EDAD 7581   Systems Leadership (3)
  • EDAD 7582   Educational Law 和 政策 Studies (3)
  • EDAD 7584   Resource Management (3)
  • EDAD 7586   Interpersonal Relations (3)
  • EDAD 7588   Improving Student Learning (3)
  • EDAD 7589   政策, Governance, Ethics (3)


监督认证计划的学生需要完成360小时的现场经验(EDAD 7890), 6 credits) over two years to qualify for a Superintendent Certificate. 以实地为基础的经验融合理论和实际课程应用到实际的领导经验. 这些实习经历由指定的地区主管指导,并由SPU教育领导学院监督.


To enhance collegiality, 协作, practitioner 技能, each Friday course session is preceded by a 领导 seminar. 在这些研讨会上, students discuss problems of practice, share insights gained from the field experience, assist in developing a professional growth plan, present key findings from integrated projects. 的 seminars are integral parts of the field experience.


Upon successful completion of the program, 你将被推荐到华盛顿州公共教育监督办公室(OSPI)获得初级监督证书. Most states have reciprocal agreements that allow certificates to be transferred between states



To meet the changing needs of adult learners, 好的赌博软件推荐提供广泛的项目和课程,以满足当今专业人士的需求. With competitive credit 和 program rates, these personal 和 professional development opportunities make lifelong learning very affordable. As the largest provider of continuing education credits for teachers in Washington State, SPU's Center for Professional Education is focused on the current needs of K-12 educators.

5000级的学分课程是研究生级别的课程,主要是为满足教师和其他专业人员的需求而设计的,目的是满足认证要求, 背书, district pay lane requirements 和 other professional needs. 的se 研究生-level courses may be considered to meet elective requirements in some cases.

还有问题吗?? 审查 常见问题



学费 和 fees for 2023–24








Before applying for aid, you must first be admitted to a graduate program. 确保你:

  • Enroll in at least 3 credits (or half-time) toward a degree or eligible certificate each quarter.
  • Complete 和 submit the Free 应用程序 for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) each year.

You may take advantage of scholarships 和 loans. SPU does not have a deadline for graduate financial aid, though earlier is always better than later! 

了解更多有关 FAFSA 和 applying for financial help.

了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件 scholarships, assistantships, loans available to graduate students.


了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件 administrative 和 other 教育学院 program fees.




申请人必须有至少两年的建筑或地区一级的行政经验之前接受进入该计划. Applicants who hold a prerequisite teacher, 欧洲航天局, CTE或主要证书应参加监督认证计划,有资格获得华盛顿初始监督证书. 没有教师证书的学生应该参加学校行政领导课程.


Applicants must submit the following items to 研究生招生:

  • 应用程序 和 50美元的应用程序 手续费.
  • Copy of current teaching certificate.
  • Copy of current administrator's certificate.
  • 官方成绩单 学士学位证明(包括所有学院/大学的正式成绩单).
  • 官方成绩单 documenting master's degree.
    • Note: To be considered official, transcripts must be received in a sealed envelope from the college or university. Transcripts may be delivered to 研究生招生 as long as they remain in their original, unopened university envelope. Electronic transcripts received via eSCRIP-SAFE or Parchment Exchange are also acceptable.
    • If your degree is not from a US college or university, please arrange for your transcript to be evaluated by an accredited transcript-evaluation company, 如 金融中间人 or 韦斯. Have the report forwarded directly to 研究生招生. 
  • 个人陈述 (1 - 2页).
  • 的简历.
  • Two letters of recommendation (one supervisory, one professional).
  • 网站协议表格, 可在 应用程序.



NOTE: 的 Superintendent 认证 program is designed as a cohort model. Cohorts begin each Autumn quarter. Winter quarter admission is possible under rare circumstances.


Contact 研究生招生 at 800-601-0603 or


Frequently Asked Questions

How selective is admission to the SPU 教育学院 graduate degree 项目?

This varies by program. Admission to some 项目, 如 the Accelerated Master in Teaching Mathematics 和 Science (AMTMS), Accerated Master of Arts in Teaching (还) MEd in School Counseling中国的竞争非常激烈. Admission to each of SPU's graduate 项目 in education is st和ards-based, all applicants must meet all st和ards for admission.

Can I continue to work while enrolled in a graduate degree program in the SPU 教育学院?

是的,在大多数情况下. Most of the graduate degree 项目 offered by the 教育学院 are part-time 项目, with classes offered in a variety of worker-friendly venues. Education graduate courses are scheduled at SPU or off campus, 在晚上, occasionally on Saturdays, 在夏天.

的 Acclerated Master of Arts in Teaching (还) Accelerated Master in Teaching Mathematics 和 Science (AMTMS) 项目 are exceptions. 的y are one-year full-time 项目 due to their full-time internships.

Is it possible to complete a graduate degree from SPU's 教育学院 online?

的 教育学院 offers several fully online 项目, including the AMAT-OnlineAMTMS-OnlineDigital Education Leadership教师领导能力 项目. Please review the program pages for eligibility requirements.

Is a graduate program at SPU more expensive than comparable education 项目 at other universities?

SPU's graduate tuition rates are competitive with other accredited universities in Washington.


20多年来,SPU的教育学院除了提供研究生证书外,还提供广泛的完全认可的硕士和博士学位. SPU's reputation in P–12 education in Washington 和 around the country is strong, 完成研究生学位和证书课程的学生就业率高于全州平均水平.
